
2023年04月04日 15:10  点击:[]



姓名: 许军锋 出生年月:   19814

学历: 博士研究生 学位: 博士

职称: 副教授

学院: 美高梅MGM 联系方式:





201912-20211——德国耶拿大学,物理与天文学学院,合作导师:Peter K Galenko








(1) 硫系红外玻璃的生产工艺

主要成果:提出了大体积硫系红外玻璃制备的等温快淬新工艺;研究了纯Se、二元As-SeTe-SeGe-SeSb-SeGe-S、三元Ge-Se-SbGe-Se -TeGe-Se-Sb-TeGe-Se-Sb-S硫系玻璃的物理性能、制备工艺及热处理工艺;研究了CsClCsIRbI等晶核剂对硫系玻璃脆性的改善效果。

(2) 共晶凝固理论






(1) 陕西省科技厅项目, 2016KJXX-87, 高性能硫系玻璃制备及元件开发研究, 结题, 主持

(2) 国家自然科学基金, 51671151, -固和固-固相变时合金中高熔化熵相, 结题, 参与

(3) 陕西省科技厅项目, 2014JM6225, 硫系玻璃元件模压工艺研究, 结题, 主持

(4) 国家自然科学基金, 51401156, 亚共晶和过共晶合金的非平衡共晶转变, 结题, 主持

(5) 国家自然科学基金, 51371133, 金属在加热熔化和冷却凝固过程X研究, 结题, 参与

(6) 国家自然科学基金, 51101122, 基于X合金枝晶非平衡凝固动力学研究, 结题, 参与

(7) 企业横向项目, XXX镜用复合材料研究,2022,  结题,主持

(8) 企业横向项目, XXX钛合金材料性能研究,2023,  在研,主持

(9) 企业横向项目,XXX复合材料低成本快速成形工艺研究,2023,  在研,主持

(10) 企业横向项目, Invar合金快速凝固机理研究,2024,  在研,主持



        近年来,主持完成科研项目10多项,参与完成8项,指导和辅助指导研究生毕业40余人,在国内外知名学术期刊:《金属学报》、英国《皇家学会会刊》、美国《冶金学会会刊》等杂志上发表论文100余篇,其中SCI收录60余篇,一篇被国际材料领域知名期刊Journal   of Materials Research选为封面文章,获得授权专利 8 项,出版译著 1 本,获得软件著作权1 项。

[1]  Wenwen Fan, Junfeng Xu, Zhirui Yao.   The temperature variation of different cooling methods for the preparation of   chalcogenide glasses. Infrared Physics & Technology. 2024, 136:   105083.

[2]  Tongzhuang Niu, Junfeng Xu, Zhirui Yao.   Density Testing Method for Undercooling Solidification of High-Temperature   Metal Melts. Crystals. 2023; 13(10):1502.

[3]  Junfeng Xu, Jitao Cao, Tongzhuang Niu. A Novel   Method to Measure the High Temperature Melt Volume Change. Transactions of   the Indian Institute of Metals, 2023, 76(10), 2701-2707.

[4]  Junfeng Xu, Peter K. Galenko. Off-Eutectic Growth   Model for Solidifying Alloy from an Undercooled State, Crystals. 2023. 13, 10:   1453.

[5]  Junfeng Xu, Jitao Cao, Wenwen Fan. Crystallization   Behavior of As40Se60 Glass. Infrared Physics &   Technology, 2023: 130:104628.

[6]  Junfeng Xu, Tao Zhang. On the eutectic transition of   undercooled hypoeutectic Ni-B alloy in the differing heat extraction process.   Materials Letters: X, 2022, 13:100128.

[7]  Junfeng Xu, Baodong Zhang, Jitao Cao. Effect of adding   CsI on properties of Ge20Sb10Se65Te5   glass. Infrared Physics & Technology, 2022,126: 104370.

[8]  Junfeng Xu, Tao Zhang, Peter K Galenko. Rod eutectic   growth in bulk undercooled melts. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences,   2022, 45(13): 8022-8031.

[9]  Junfeng   Xu, Dandan Fan, Tao Zhang. The effect of   superheat on the nucleation undercooling of metallic melts. Mathematical   Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2021,   44:12351-12359.

[10]   Peter K Galenko,   Junfeng Xu. Rapid eutectic growth: from rod growth to diffusionless   solidification. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society A,   2022(2217):380.

[11]   Junfeng   Xu, Peter K. Galenko. Effects of local   nonequilibrium in rapid eutectic solidification—Part 1: Statement of the   problem and general solution. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences,   2021, 44: 12211-12220.

[12]   Junfeng   Xu, Markus Rettenmayr, Peter K. Galenko.   Effects of local nonequilibrium in rapid eutectic solidification—Part 2:   Analysis of effects and comparison to experiment. Mathematical Methods in the Applied   Sciences, 2021, 44:12271-12282.

[13]   许军锋,   张宝东,   Peter K Galenko.含有化合物相的共晶转变理论模型. 金属学报,   2021,57(10):1320-1332

[14]   Junfeng   Xu, Ying Xiao,   Zengyun Jian. Observe the temperature curve for solidification from   high-speed video image. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry,   2021, 146, 2273-2277.

[15]   Junfeng   Xu, Tian Yang,   Zengyun Jian. The recalescence rate of cooling curve   for undercooled solidification. Scientific Reports. 2020,10:1380.

[16]   Ningning   Yin, Junfeng Xu, Fang’e Chang. Effect of Te proportion on the   properties of Ge25Sb10Se65-xTex chalcogenide glasses. Infrared Physics and   Technology, 2019, 96:361-365.

[17]   J.F. Xu,   G. Sun, Z. Liu, et al.  Preparation   and properties of Ge4Se96 glass. Infrared Physics   and Technology, 2018, 89: 59-63.

[18]   Z.   Liu, J.F. Xu*, Y. Wang, et   al. Calorimetric studies on Ge23Se67Sb10-0.5%RbI   glass.Optic.2017,142:124-134.

[19]   刘振亭,许军锋*, 坚增运,   .   Ge4Se96红外玻璃的热力学性能. 稀有金属材料与工程,    2019,3 810-814.

[20]   Z.   Liu, J.F. Xu*, Y. Wang, et   al.  Calorimetric study on Ge23Se67Sb10–0.5CsCl   glass. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2018, 132: 103-111.  

[21]   Z.   Liu, J.F. Xu*, Y. Wang, et   al. Specific Heat Measurement of Ge7.4Se92.6   Glass. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2018, 131:   3133-3138.

[22]   D.   Fan, J.F. Xu*, Z.Y. Jian, et   al. Effect of Superheated Temperature and   Cooling Rate on the Solidification of Undercooled Ti Melt. Acta   Metallurgica Sinica, 2018, 54:844-850.

[23]   J.F. Xu, B. Dang. Z. Jian. Relation of   cooling rate, undercooling and structure for rapid solidification of iron   melt, Computational Materials Science, 2017, 128:98-102.

[24]   J.F. Xu, Z.Y. Jian,   X. Lian. An application of box counting method for measuring phase   fraction, Measurement. 2017, 100C: 297-300.

[25]   J.F. Xu,   B. Dang, D. Fan, et al. Effect of Melt Superheating Treatment on the Latent   Heat Release of Sn. Metallurgical & Materials Transactions A,   2017, 48:1133-1138.

[26]   J.F. Xu, D. Zhang, F.   Liu, et al. Solidification Behavior and Cooling Curves for Hypereutectic   Fe-21 At. Pct B Alloy. Metallurgical & Materials Transactions A,   2017: 48: 1817-1826.

[27]   J.F. Xu, H. Cheng,   Z.Y. Jian, et al. Observations of   fractal patterns induced on surface of chalcogenide glass. Optik.   2016, 127: 11258–11262.

[28]   J.F.   Xu, L. Diao, J.H. Yan et al. In-situ   observations of the rapid solidification for undercooled Al30Si70 alloy melt.   Journal of Materials Research, 2016, 31: 222-231.

[29]   J.F.   Xu, D.   Zhang, F.   Liu. Multi-transformations in rapid solidification of highly undercooled hypoeutectic   Ni-Ni3B alloy melt. Journal of Materials Research,   2015. 30: 3307-3315.

[30]   J.F.   Xu, F.Liu, D. Zhang. An analytical model   for solidification of undercooled metallic melt. Journal   of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry.   2015, 119: 273-280.

[31]   J.F.   Xu, F.Liu,   M. Zhu. Differential scanning calorimetry studies on Ni-Ni3B alloys. Materials   Science Forum, 2015, 807: 556-559.

[32]   D.   Zhang, J.F.   Xu*, F.Liu. In situ observation of   the competition between metastable and stable phases in solidification of   undercooled Fe-17at.%B alloy melt. Metallurgical and Materials   Transactions A. 2015,46:5232-5239.

[33]   F.Liu,   J.F. Xu*, D. Zhang. Solidification   of highly undercooled hypereutectic Ni-Ni3B alloy melt, Metallurgical   and Materials Transactions A, 2014, 45:4810-4819.

[34]   J.F.   Xu, F. Liu,   D. Zhang, Phase selection of undercooled solidification   of Ni-4.5 wt pct B alloy, Journal of Materials Research, 2013, 28:3347-3354.   

[35]   J.F.   Xu, F. Liu, D. Zhang. In situ observation of   solidification of undercooled hypoeutectic Ni–Ni3B alloy melt, Journal   of Materials Research, 2013,28:1891-1902.

[36]   J.F.   Xu, F. Liu, B. Dang. Phase selection in   undercooled Ni-3.3 wt Pct B alloy melt, Metallurgical and Materials   Transactions A, 2013, 44:1401-1408,.

[37]   J.F.   Xu, F. Liu, X.L Xu, et al. Undercooled   solidification of Ni-3.3 wt%B alloy and cooling curve description, Materials   Science and Technology, 2013, 29:36-42.

[38]     J.F. Xu,   F. Liu, X.L. Xu, et al. Determination of solid fraction from cooling curve, Metallurgical   and Materials Transactions A, 2012,43:1268-1276.

[39]   J.F.   Xu, F. Liu, K. Zhang, et al. Simple   approach for description of undercooled solidification, Materials Science   and Technology, 2012,28, 274-281.

[40]   J.F.   Xu, F. Liu, S.J. Song, Parameter determination   of the critical nucleation frequency in solidification of the undercooled   metallic melts, Materials Science and Technology, 2012, 28: 690-694.

[41]   J.F.   Xu, F. Liu, D. Zhang, Comparison of   baseline method and DSC measurement for determining phase fractions, Materials   Science and Technology, 2012, 28, 1420-1425.

[42]   J.F.   Xu, F. Liu. Baseline method   for determining the solid fraction. Advanced   Materials Research, 2012, 562-564:   409-413.

[43]   J.F.   Xu, F. Liu, S.J. Song, et al. Application   of recipes for isothermal and isochronal solid-state transformations. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2010,356:1236-1245.  

[44]   J.F.   Xu, F. Liu, Z.Y. Jian, et al. Phase   transformation kinetics of Ge23Se67Sb10   glass. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2010,356: 2198-2202.

[45]   J.F.   Xu, Z.Y. Jian, F.E Chang, M. Qu. Preparation   and Properties of Ge23Se67Sb10 Glass.   Rare Metal Materials And Engineering, 2008, 37: 740-743.


[1]  许军锋;   常芳娥;   薛改勤;   成虎;   朱满;   坚增运;   基于盐浴淬火方法制备大尺寸硫系红外玻璃的制备方法,   2018-7-6, 中国, 201510995703.7

[2]  许军锋;   党博;   张迪;   朱满;   常芳娥;   坚增运;   一种线切割非规则工件的夹具,   2016-6-29, 中国, 201620052772.

[3]   张文兴;   许军锋;   王鑫;   王喜锋;   李高宏;   一种适用于薄片形SiCp/Al复合材料的成型方法,   2022-02-11, 中国, 202011085750.5.

[4]  张文兴;   许军锋;   王鑫;   王喜锋;   李高宏;   一种SiCp/Al复合材料的成型方法,   2021-10-26, 中国,202011084716.6 .

[5]  张文兴;   许军锋;   王鑫;   王喜锋;   李高宏;   一种适用于薄片形SiCp/A1复合材料的成型设备,   2021-5-25, 中国, 202022257241.8.

[6]  张文兴;   许军锋;   王鑫;   王喜锋;   李高宏;   一种SiCp/Al复合材料的成型设备,   2021-5-25, 中国,202022255748.X.

[7]  许吉信;   许军锋;   张文荣;   拉伸试件夹头;   2011-1-20, 中国, 2010302122364.


       许军锋,   党博,   刘振亭 ,   []于尔根.布里洛 .   多元合金熔体的热物理性能,   西安交通大学出版社,   2023.


       许军锋   ; 超长文件一键查重软件V1.0,   2022SR0615576, 原始取得, 全部权利,   2022.




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